Thursday, August 27, 2009

Now I'm getting them

Well i'm getting my braces today, this sucks for me because i cannot eat all of the great candy thati love to eat :-(. Alos i just finished Mowing my lawn, i also thought i would tell you how i mow my lawn.

1. i just mow the front lawn then the back

2. i weedwack front and backyard

3. then i blow it off, and i have a pritty biig yard so i get 20 dollars every time i do this, and i intend on using it for a new transformer.

money i have right now:39.00

and those of you who do not go on my ther blogs should know that i am a transformers fan, and a spider-man fan. I might save my money to buy leader Prime, of a bunch of scouts, or a voyager, of a few deluxes. Mostlikely deluxes because wave 4 comes out in America officially on August 31

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Well i am getting my braces tomorrow :-( I am said to have them for two and half years, so by the time im in highschool, i will have perfect teeth (hopefully). I hate hit, but it is for the best....

My Dog Jake

Well here is a picture of me with my bestfriend Jake, he is very luvable, yet very lazy, especially toward me...... LOL

First Post!

Well I have just created this blog to tell you what i do everyday, and all about everything, there will be 1 pot minimum a day, and i will tell you everything i did that day. this blog will also talk about other topics.

there is one rule.... HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............okay that sounded weird...... enjoy my blog